First off, let me thank Rick 56 for basically running the blog by himself for the past few months. Without his desire to maintain this institution it would most likely be defunct now.
On that note Rick approached me a few weeks ago about doing an interview for my own blog. It caught me off guard and gave me a moment to really collect some thoughts and share my opinions as I have kept the blog, and will continue to, about the music. Now I have no desire to turn this into my personal bitch session, but I will not be afraid to speak my mind as it is my blog.
Also of interest was a post by a local antifa site that made me think a bit. The discussion surrounding the upcoming show tomorrow was quite humorous. Uprise did not happen this year, but the show this weekend is in fact not Uprise. It is, however, our attempt to provide a second large annual event in conjunction with the annual Uprise concert in late January. Rick approached me about doing a split show, and increasing amount of live performances.
This event took on quite a big line-up, more than I had hoped; as honestly some of the best shows I've been to were only 3 bands and all night for them to tear it up! Which brings me to my next point, Uprise Direct is hoping to promote several smaller venue events in which East coast bands would be able to get to play more often.
Darkland Records will be releasing a 7" split ep featuring Graveland and Kreuzfeuer featuring one song from each. Side A - Graveland "King of Aquilonia" Side B - Kreuzfeuer "Zündet die Feuer"
Blood Sacrifice Productions will be releasing a new Xenophobe EP on November 20th.
They are also looking for a band to contribute 5 songs for an upcoming split cd with Bayonet. For more info contact BSP at
This interview with Painful Awakening was conducted by Rick/ Label 56 in August of 2010. You can visit Painful Awakening on my space here
Note: In order for the band to relay their answers as best as possible, some questions were answered in their native German. I have posted those answers in German as well as translated in English to the best of my ability. We hope you enjoy.
Greets and thank you for the interview. I have been a fan of your music since first discovering you on my space even before your debut cd came out because of the heavier more brutal sound. Your music is a bit heavier style of hardcore which I would call deathcore. Is this a good description for Painful Awakening?
ENGLISH: Hello and greetings to the States. Thank you for the compliment J! Well, we want to try and get the same basket. So, you certainly are not wrong when you claim that we play Deathcore (at least what some songs from the album covers) and, according to the description on Wikipedia you might even be right, but exactly where the spirits depart again. Some people also say that it's deathcore, but although I find that it is again not technically good enough (which relates to the album). Many think it hardcore with metal influences, so Metalcore Grindcore including small passages, which probably make it so. As often mentioned, music is a matter of taste! Despite all this, we don`t let ourselves be influenced by appearances and we just play what fits. One thing is sure, our music must always be loud and make neat row. Let's mosh!
GERMAN: Hallo und Grüße in die Staaten. Vielen Dank für das Kompliment J! Nun gut, dann wollen wir gleich mal los legen. Also, Unrecht hast du mit Sicherheit nicht wenn du behauptest, dass wir Deathcore spielen (zumindestens was einige Songs vom Album betrifft) und laut der Beschreibung bei Wikipedia könntest du sogar recht behalten, aber genau dort scheiden sich wieder die Geister. Einige Leute sagen auch, dass es Deathcore ist, wobei ich aber finde dass es wiederum nicht technisch gut genug ist (was das Album betrifft). Viele meinen es ist Hardcore mit Metaleinflüssen, also Metalcore inklusive kleinen Grindcorepassagen, was es wohl auch am ehesten trifft. Wie schon oft genug erwähnt, Musik ist und bleibt nun mal Ansicht - und auch Geschmackssache! Trotz alledem lassen wir uns nicht großartig von Äußerlichkeiten beeinflussen und spielen das was uns gerade passt. Eines ist aber sicher, unsere Musik muss immer laut sein und ordentlich Krach machen. Let´s mosh!!!
I also like the fact that PA has two vocalists. Can you tell us how the band came to be and why you choose the style you play with multiple vocals?
ENGLISH: So PA started at the origin with a singer. With him were the first gigs he has played and our demo CD resung. In the summer of 2007 we had the idea to take a second singer on board, because there were no such a thing at this time in the German HC / Metal music scene. Since he previously was a good friend of ours already, we managed quite easy for him to convince us (he only demanded a lavish banquet at the local meat food temple J). What is also additionally to him or offered us was the fact that his other band was close to resolution, and he absolutely wanted to continue to remain true to the music. Today he is still an integral part of the group and not at all to imagine! The good and of course the most important is that both singers are similar not particularly vocal and can be formed on the songs beautiful contrasts. I think they complement both great! The new songs, listening to really great. You may be surprised!
GERMAN: Also PA hat im Ursprung mit einem Sänger angefangen. Mit ihm wurden die ersten Gigs gespielt und er hat unsere Demo CD eingesungen. Im Sommer 2007 kamen wir auf die Idee einen zweiten Sänger mit an Bord zu nehmen, da es sowas in dieser Form und zur diesem Zeitpunkt in der deutschen HC/Metal Musiklandschaft noch nicht gab. Da er vorher schon ein guter Freund von uns war, gelang es uns natürlich sehr leicht ihn von uns zu überzeugen (er verlangte lediglich ein üppiges Fleischbankett im ortsansässigen Fresstempel J). Was sich auch zusätzlich noch für ihn/uns anbot, war der Umstand, dass seine andere Band kurz vor der Auflösung stand und er unbedingt weiterhin der Musik treu bleiben wollte. Heutzutage ist er immer noch fester Bestandteil der Gruppe und überhaupt nicht mehr wegzudenken! Das Gute und natürlich auch das wichtigste ist, dass sich beide Sänger stimmlich nicht sonderlich ähneln und so bei den Liedern schöne Kontraste gebildet werden können. Ich finde sie ergänzen sich beide prima! Die neuen Songs hören sich echt super an. Ihr dürft gespannt sein!
I know a lot of bands in Germany share members. Are members of PA in any other bands or projects are you working on?
ENGLISH: As you are well informed and of course this is also the case with us. Two of the guys we play are still firmly in other bands and a try just on a project not worth mentioning. We must therefore also be very curious!
GERMAN: Da bist du gut informiert und natürlich ist das auch bei uns der Fall. 2 der Jungs von uns spielen noch fest in anderen Bands und einer probiert sich gerade an einem noch nicht erwähnenswerten Projekt. Man darf also auch hier sehr gespannt sein!
Speaking of other bands between, the music scene in Germany seems to be the biggest in the world right now with many different styles of music from hardcore to RAC to black metal and everything in. Can you tell us how everything is with the music scene in Germany and why you think it is doing so well right now?
ENGLISH: Yes, you're right. In Germany, there was always a great music scene. In the past there were mainly "only" RAC / right rock bands (with we all grew up on!) and a few ballad singer, but is a good 10 years since we started played more hardcore and metal. But not many know, the fact that this kind of music is still a small fraction of our music scene in this country. The natives can understand but many outsiders do not, because they hear so much lately about the "hard" bands from Germany. The RAC continues to be the measure of all things and is definitely more than the harder sounds. What is also definitely reflected in the obligations and sales. With RAC, RAC is not the same, many bands have these days unmistakable modern trains in their songs, such as punk rock, metal, and also Double bass passsages which are no longer a rarity. The typical 90's RAC music can be found nowadays only very rarely. And that's a good thing! Propaganda in the form of professional music for a professional resistance struggle!
I think it is because more and more young people with open eyes and clear mind through their cities (quite true to go to the Skrewdriver song "Thunder in the cities") and see what is here in our country everything is going wrong. You have so much to say and we use music as a mouthpiece to stimulate and inform the demented mass of people from their nightmare in Germany. As long as nothing will change, it will always be resistance groups in musical form with us. And I hope that it will also remain a very long time! We must never give up, always nice to be inconvenient to the rulers. It is our time!
GERMAN: Ja, da hast du Recht. In Deutschland gab es schon immer eine große Musikszene. Früher gab es ja hauptsächlich „nur“ RAC/Rechtsrockbands (mit diesen sind wir natürlich auch alle groß geworden!) und ein paar wenige Balladensänger, aber seit gut 10 Jahren wird bei uns vermehrt Hardcore und Metal gespielt. Was aber nicht viele wissen, ist die Tatsache, dass diese Musikrichtung heutzutage immer noch einen geringen Bruchteil der NS Musik hierzulande ausmacht. Das wiederrum können viele Außenstehende gar nicht begreifen, weil sie in letzter Zeit so viel von den „harten“ Bands aus Deutschland hören. Der RAC ist weiterhin das Maß aller Dinge und wird definitiv mehr gehört als die härteren Klänge. Was sich auch definitiv bei den Auflagen und Verkaufszahlen widerspiegelt. Wobei RAC nicht gleich RAC ist, viele Bands, haben heutzutage unüberhörbare moderne Züge in ihren Liedern, wie zum Beispiel Punkrock, Metal und auch Doublebasspasssagen sind keine Seltenheit mehr. Die typische 90iger Jahre RAC ufta ufta Musik ist heutzutage nur noch sehr selten zu finden. Und das ist auch gut so! Propaganda in Form von professioneller Musik für einen professionellen Widerstandskampf!
Ich denke es liegt daran, dass immer mehr junge Leute mit offenen Augen und klarem Verstand durch ihre Städte (ganz getreu dem Skrewdriversong „Thunder in the cities“) gehen und sehen was hier in unserem Vaterland alles falsch läuft. Sie haben deshalb viel zu sagen und nutzen die Musik als Sprachrohr um die verblödete Menschenmasse aus ihrem Alptraum BRD zu wecken und zu informieren. Solang sich nichts ändern wird, wird es auch immer Widerstandsgruppen in musikalischer Form bei uns geben. Und ich hoffe dass es darüber hinaus auch noch sehr lange so bleiben wird! Wir dürfen niemals resignieren, immer schön unbequem gegenüber den Herrschenden sein. Es kommt unsere Zeit!
Are there bands you like and support?
ENGLISH: Oh yes, there are some bands we're friends and we therefore also support. Some we have held together concerts and / or small celebrations with. Or you come here now and be a get together. Did you hear the name now? There were just too many!
GERMAN: Oh ja, es gibt einige Bands mit denen wir befreundet sind und die wir somit auch logischerweise unterstützen. Teilweise veranstaltet man Konzerte und/oder kleine Feierlichkeiten zusammen. Oder man trifft sich ab und an zu einem kleinen Umtrunk. Wolltest du jetzt Namen hören?! Es wären einfach zu viele!
I have seen several bands that play the heavier sound start to come out such as Mortuary and Sharon Tate. I have also seen Sawcross Lanes which even has a female vocalist. Are there any new bands you like?
ENGLISH: So with these three bands you mentioned, you've actually mentioned the right ones. They are all young, untainted people (except maybe the guys from Sharon Tate, haha) and will again bring new life into the music scene times. SawCrossLanes, Mortuary, and Painful Awakening were already on stage together and they have always delivered a good show. There is much potential in them and you may be curious certainly on their upcoming CD. They will go their way, as I'm sure! I should also mention Painful Life and Diary of a Dying Nation. These two young hardcore / metal groups will soon debut their CD's. As I said, for new young bands is difficult when (as in fact never been in Germany) is not with us! Whether in the RAC or HC / Metal area.
GERMAN: Also mit diesen 3 von dir genannten Bands, hast du eigentlich schon die richtigen erwähnt. Es sind alles junge, unverbrauchte Leute (außer vielleicht die Jungs von Sharon Tate, haha) die wieder mal neuen Schwung in die Musikszene bringen werden. Mit Mortuary und SawCrossLanes standen wir auch schon zusammen auf der Bühne und sie haben stets eine gute Show abgeliefert. Es steckt viel Potential in ihnen und man darf mit Sicherheit auf ihre kommenden CD´s gespannt sein. Sie werden ihren Weg gehen, da bin ich mir ganz sicher! Zu erwähnen wären vielleicht noch Painful Life und Diary of a dying nation. Von diesen beiden jungen Hardcore/Metalgruppen sollen auch bald ihre Debut CD´s erscheinen. Wie gesagt an neuen jungen Bands hapert es (wie eigentlich noch nie in Deutschland) nicht bei uns! Egal ob im RAC oder HC/Metal Bereich.
A lot of your lyrics deal with media lies and people who blindly follow them. You awaken describe this in several songs including the self titled song Painful Awakening which describes the hard reality people will face when they finally. Is this correct for where you take your name Painful Awakening from?
ENGLISH: Yes, you have correctly identified! The text says it all. The stupid deluded masses believe in everything that is drummed into them in the media without questioning it ever again. The man has simply become too lazy to even turn on even his brain. He need not even think and follows completely blind and without resistance "its" leaders of the inexorable destruction. The state appears as a puppeteer and the people are his puppets. At some point, then maybe some of them come to their senses when they are on assistance from the state (which is always promises so much) dependent, but are then abandoned by them and are suddenly placed upon himself all alone. Welcome to the harsh reality! A human life is now become totally worthless, you should work like a machine! And if you no longer repairable "are you'll thrown on the scrap. In this chaotic time you shovel but you at birth your own grave if you do not have the courage to fight and resist!
GERMAN: Ja, das hast du richtig erkannt! Der Text sagt eigentlich alles aus. Die dumme verblendete Masse glaubt an alles was ihnen in den Medien eingetrichtert wird ohne es jemals einmal zu hinterfragen. Der Mensch ist einfach zu faul geworden um einmal selbst sein Gehirn einzuschalten. Er braucht nicht mehr selbst zu denken und folgt völlig blind und widerstandlos „seinen“ Führern ins unaufhaltsame Verderben. Der Staat zeigt sich als Puppenspieler und das Volk sind seine Marionetten. Irgendwann kommen dann vielleicht einige zur Vernunft, wenn sie auf Hilfe seitens des Staates (der ja immer so viel verspricht) angewiesen sind, aber von diesen dann im Stich gelassen werden und plötzlich auf sich ganz alleine gestellt sind. Willkommen in der harten Realität! Ein Menschleben ist heutzutage total wertlos geworden, du sollst funktionieren wie eine Maschine! Und wenn du nicht mehr „reparabel“ bist wirst du auf den Schrott geworfen. In dieser wirren Zeit schaufelst du dir doch schon bei der Geburt dein eigenes Grab, wenn du nicht den Mut hast zu kämpfen und zu widerstehen!
A lot of lyrics so deal with "fighting the system" including one of my favorite songs Fight Their Lies. This song also had a great intro from the movie Matrix. Can you tell us the best way you see to counter the media lies and fight for a better tomorrow?
ENGLISH: Well, I can not specify with certainty the best way, but certainly I can get rid of some food for thought, which I go in this direction through the head. So in any case going on already for a long time something in our midst in the form of demonstrations, posters - and flyer campaigns. It is run by a bunch of effort so the stupid mass of at least investigate a little and then this may provide some food for thought for what is around them all mortised for dementia. All people have to think a head and this should then be used! Of course it would be terrific if we had a public-service radio station or a television station available to many people in the car, at work, in the living room so we can achieve so on. You must constantly be brought in connection with our opinions, just as do the established yes even around the Clock. We need to open up people eyes again, they need to remember and understand that not everything in this country that glitters is gold! An (optional) measure would be if there would be national-minded teachers, most teachers today have (have) yes, a red default. In the story - and in social studies, we were told at that time a lot of nonsense and the truth just as now dead silent and swept under the carpet. It will burn your mouth so no one and lose his job. So of course also seen in all other areas. It is imposed on us a muzzle (speaks again and again despite our highly praised freedom of expression) and that of the truth is marketed for years behind bars. We have again the situation as it was to Honecker's time, if not worse. Therefore, educational work is already in the youth nowadays extremely important for the future. Only with a clear sense and logical thinking we can make a difference!
GERMAN: Nun, ich kann mit Sicherheit nicht den besten Weg vorgeben, aber durchaus kann ich ein paar Denkanstöße loswerden, die mir in diese Richtung durch den Kopf gehen. Also auf jeden Fall tut sich ja schon seit längerer Zeit etwas in unseren Reihen in Form von Demonstrationen, Plakat – und Flyeraktionen. Es wird ein Haufen Aufwand dahingehend betrieben um die dumme Masse mindestens ein wenig aufzuklären und diesen dann eventuell ein paar Denkanstöße zu vermitteln, was um sie herum alles für Blödsinn verzapft wird. Alle Menschen haben einen Kopf zum denken und dieser sollte dann auch eingesetzt werden! Natürlich wäre es grandios, wenn wir einen öffentlich rechtlichen Radiosender oder gar einen Fernsehsender zur Verfügung hätten um viele Leute auch im Auto, auf der Arbeit, im Wohnzimmer usw. usf. erreichen zu können. Sie müssen permanent mit unseren Ansichten in Verbindung gebracht werden, genauso wie es die Etablierten ja auch rund um die Uhr machen. Wir müssen den Menschen wieder die Augen öffnen, sie müssen merken und auch verstehen, dass nicht hierzulande alles Gold ist was glänzt! Eine (Wunsch) Maßnahme wäre es, wenn es national denkende Lehrer geben würde, die meisten Lehrer heutzutage haben (müssen) ja eine rote Grundeinstellung. Im Geschichte - sowie im Sozialkundeunterricht wurde uns damals viel Stuss erzählt und die Wahrheit genauso wie heute tot geschwiegen und unter dem Teppich gekehrt. Es will sich ja niemand den Mund verbrennen und dadurch seinen Job verlieren. So gesehen natürlich auch in allen anderen Arbeitsbereichen. Es wird uns ein Maulkorb auferlegt (trotz unserer immer wieder hochgelobten Meinungsfreiheit) und derjenige der die Wahrheit spricht wird für Jahre hinter Gittern gebracht. Wir haben wieder die Verhältnisse wie damals zu Honecker´s Zeiten, wenn nicht sogar noch viel schlimmer. Deshalb ist Aufklärungsarbeit schon bei der Jugend heutzutage extrem wichtig für die Zukunft. Nur mit einem klaren Menschenverstand und logischem Denken können wir etwas bewegen!
On the same topic, I would also like to ask about the political situation in Germany. I know a lot of people supported the NPD. Is this still the case and change do you see them as being able to effect positive? I hear a lot now about Autonomous Nationalists. Can you also tell us about this form of activism?
ENGLISH: So the NPD has in the 700,000 regular voters, and certainly again as many sympathizers, if not more, a few more. After all, they are up to now in two different arenas (Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania and Saxony) recovered. What is a very notable success for the national opposition! I think the party has established a good way to go. They are in other states (eg Bavaria) also strongly represented, but unfortunately there have the entry (yet) done. Unfortunately there is not access to them until now for greater respect for achievements in politics and economy, but the party remains a thorn in the incumbents. You are the thorn in the system.
Well, the AN's a new form of agitation at demonstrations, etc.. Black clad, masked young people are marching forward mostly gone and chanting slogans loudly. Not to bad, but I do not think really productive for national educational work on the street. Many ordinary citizens are frightened by it. I could hear people talk, "here comes the SS of modern times" and so on. I do not despise, but I find this form of action at our events counterproductive. The media rush anyway enough about us, but then still a wild screaming heap TO's in front of a funeral march by march, let us at the population rather than the implausible, we should reap acclaim. And the media have once "their" image of the crazed Nazi's! But I do not think anything bad was organized by the Autonomous Nationalists. I support their anti-Antifa campaign, its flash mobs to historical events (eg to the Rudolf Hess weeks) and also various spraying. In spite of all this agitation must not degenerate into a form of fashion trend because they do just unbelievable and ridiculous.
GERMAN: Also die NPD hat an die 700.000 Stammwähler und mit Sicherheit nochmal genauso viele Sympathisanten, wenn nicht sogar noch ein paar mehr. Immerhin sind sie bis jetzt in 2 verschiedene Landtage (Mecklenburg – Vorpommern und Sachsen) eingezogen. Was ein sehr beachtlicher Erfolg für die nationale Opposition ist! Ich denke die Partei ist auf einen guten Weg sich zu etablieren. Sie sind in anderen Bundesländern (z.B. Bayern) auch stark vertreten, haben aber leider dort den Einzug (noch) nicht geschafft. Leider blieben ihnen bis jetzt größere Achtungserfolge in Politik und Wirtschaft verwehrt, aber die Partei bleibt weiterhin den Etablierten ein Dorn im Auge. Sie sind der Stachel im Fleisch vom System.
Nun, die AN´s sind eine neue Agitationsform auf Demonstrationen etc.. Schwarz gekleidete, vermummte junge Menschen die meistens vorne weg marschieren und lauthals Parolen skandieren. An sich nicht schlecht, aber meines Erachtens nicht wirklich produktiv für nationale Aufklärungsarbeit auf der Straße. Viele normale Bürger werden dadurch verschreckt. Ich hörte schon Leute reden, „da kommt die SS der Neuzeit“ usw.. Ich verachte sie nicht, jedoch finde ich diese Aktionsform auf unseren Veranstaltungen eher kontraproduktiv. Die Medien hetzen eh schon genug über uns, aber wenn dann noch ein wild schreiender Haufen AN´s in Front eines Trauermarsches vorbei marschiert, machen wir uns doch bei der Bevölkerung eher unglaubwürdig als das wir Zuspruch ernten sollten. Und die Medien haben wieder „ihr“ Bild des wildgewordenen Nazi´s! Aber ich finde nicht alles schlecht was die Autonomen Nationalisten veranstalten. Ich befürworte ihre Anti Antifa Kampagne, ihre Flash Mobs zu geschichtlichen Anlässen (z.B. zu den Rudolf Heß Wochen) und auch diverse Sprühaktionen. Trotz alledem darf diese Agitationsform nicht in einen Modetrend ausarten, weil dann machen sie sich nur unglaubwürdig und lächerlich.
Another song titled Peace phony attacks the notion of the United States was "on terror" and paints it for what it is-an opportunity for global conquest. I have seen a lot of nationalist bands attacking the U.S. for this. Can you tell us how this "war on terror" has made us look in the eyes of Europeans? Do the majority of Europeans see through the lies, then, or is it mostly a few?
In these days the average European is against it all the way. Not because they know the political background but rather because they go the way of pacifistism. Those who deal with the history and try to get to the bottom of the occasion for the "war on terror" will see similarities to the United States' entries into the first, second world war and many other interventions. We do not believe in media's lies, everyone should prove these so called irrevocable facts. Even the blind could see the true reasons for this was never ending: The control of natural resources for the maintenance of power and military industries.
I am also curious as to what you see as the bigger threat for Europe. Is it America's occupation or the new European Union government?
These are two different political issues with the same simple background: Money and power. In Germany's case we have to eliminate both of it to live in freedom. The American occupation since WW2 has become insignificant for the average Germans. They grow up with typical fast food and such things. American lifestyle has hit them decades ago and they never tried to get rid of it. They can not or will not see behind the curtain of this ideal world and realizing a cold inhuman liberal capitalism which causes so much problems in this dying world. A few winners laughing down on billions of losers. That's what the new market has brought to the world. And do not forget that Germany is still used as a location for U.S. military bases. You can say we are an outpost for the U.S. imperial war on terror. The EU stands above Germany's sovereignty in many cases and controls within the European market and therefore it's a tool of capitalism to which we stand in opposition full. The objective of EU-makers is a single European state in which the capitalists have carte blanche. Riots and civil wars will be the consequences. Europe has to be a place of sovereign nations, in which our own culture, history and economy will be considered. Of course the nations of Europe should work together to solve problems but not on the charge of its own people.
For those do that not know much about European politics can you tell us a bit about the European Union and how it will affect all countries involved? I have also heard Germany may be Seceding from the EU. Do you think it will happen?
See question above and following: The European Union is a federation of European countries with its own sovereignty and stands above the law of its member-states in many cases. It has its own institutions like parliament and Supreme Court To explain in detail the EU we could write books, there are writings, which could do this much better than we do. Segregation from the EU or its abolition is our high will. But with the actual political and economical system it will not happen. Therefore the system has to be overcame and replaced. The odds are in our favor. The people of Europe become more and more angry. First states go bankrupt and some more will follow. Those who are trying to help become more and more indebted and will follow the flow. Everyone could imagine what may happen next: Nations leaving the European Monetary Union followed by leaving the EU itself. Like rats leaving the sinking ship. It would be a blessing if all would go down the drain. There will be given place to a true and honest new beginning.
Ok, now for a serious question, I have heard that it is not cool to wear white socks in Germany and if you do the girls will not talk to you ha ha Is this true? (Ha ha, this is a joke question but I have heard this is true)
ENGLISH: Haha, what do not you hear everything Sun So now I can only talk from me! I met my current girlfriend in socks and such in the winter to keep this wiederrum also very nice and warm! But when you Ami, I think it's always fun to be regarded, even in summer so if you rumlauft. Short Short's on, but the tennis socks pulled up to the knees, haha, geil! With us, you wear in the summer, "Sneakers", otherwise you get very quick feet and sweat like the ladies really do not! You can ask questions, haha.
GERMAN: Haha, was du nicht alles so hörst. Also ich kann jetzt nur von mir reden! Ich habe meine jetzige Freundin in solchen Socken kennengelernt und im Winter halten diese auch wiederrum sehr schön warm! Aber bei euch Ami´s finde ich es immer lustig anzusehen, wenn ihr auch im Sommer so rumlauft. Kurze Short´s an, aber die Tennissocken bis zu den Knien hochgezogen, haha, geil! Bei uns trägt man im Sommer „Sneakers“, ansonsten bekommt man sehr schnell Schweißfüsse und das mögen die Damen nun wirklich nicht! Du kannst Fragen stellen, haha.
Your debut cd was released by PC Records. I talk a lot with Yves and he is a great guy. Can you tell us how you liked working with him?
ENGLISH: Working with him went smoothly and without problems. We can not complain at all, everything was agreed, was also observed. I think he is very loyal to all his bands he has produced so far. And he always has a clear line. We are now still with him out of contact and exchange. Now and then you meet at events and also we will drink a little thing. We plan to publish the new album back to PC Records. If you do this here, reads Yves. Best wishes for Chemnitz!
GERMAN: Die Zusammenarbeit mit ihm verlief reibungslos und ohne Probleme ab. Wir können uns überhaupt nicht beschweren, alles was abgesprochen war, wurde auch eingehalten. Ich denke er steht sehr loyal zu all seinen Bands die er bis jetzt produziert hat. Wobei er jedesmal eine klare Linie verfolgt. Wir sind heutzutage immer noch mit ihm in Kontakt und tauschen aus. Ab und an trifft man sich auch auf Veranstaltungen und wir trinken eine Kleinigkeit zusammen. Wir planen das neue Album auch wieder bei PC Records zu veröffentlichen. Falls du das hier liest, Yves. Beste Grüße nach Chemnitz!
Aside from your debut cd you also have two excellent songs on the Hardcore Until The End cd. The song Fuck Your Society is one of my favorites on that cd. Do you have any other releases?
Please find attached our Discography:
2006 - Demo CD (unpublished, 6 songs)
2008 - The reality hurts (debut CD, 12 songs)
2008 - Hardcore until the end - Sampler (2 songs)
2010 - Freedom for the Nationalists - Sampler (1 song)
2010 - Death Squads Vol 1 - Split EP (1 song)
2010 - Thuringia 2009 - Live CD (5 songs)
Furthermore, you can also buy a band shirt for each PC and 2yt4u Records Records of us.
I know you are working on a new cd and have a new song posted on your my space. Can you tell us what direction musically and lyrically you want to go with the new cd? When do you expect it to be out?
ENGLISH: Yes, the new song which can be heard on the my space page and will soon come in the form of an EP. So keep an eye out always nice J! In my opinion, the new CD is no less harder than the debut. I would even go so far as to say that it is still a bit more brutal than its predecessor, but that wiederrum involved a lot of melody. Due to our new guitar, it really has it. The My Space Song, "No one survives" is already a good taste, in what direction our new material! That's fucking hardcore straight in your face! Lyrically, we unfortunately have to turn down a corridor, which results in that our debut has landed in Germany on the index. Which does not mean that we will write less political texts. They are now just a little "flowery" written and not quite so direct as to be still on the first album. Furthermore, it is also planned to publish songs in German. Listen to understand, and act! If all goes well and nothing great dramatic bred in, we want next year in the summer to the studio. Despite all this, we want to rush anything and are in no way under any pressure deadlines. Let's just surprise you, the new album comes with safety!
GERMAN: Ja, das neue Lied was man auf der MS Seite hören kann, wird bald in Form einer EP auf den Markt kommen. Also immer schön die Augen offen halten J! Meiner Meinung nach wird die neue CD nicht weniger härter als das Debut. Ich gehe sogar so weit und behaupte, dass sie noch einen Tick brutaler wird als ihr Vorgänger, dass aber wiederrum mit viel Melodie verbunden. Bedingt durch unseren neuen Gitarristen, der es wirklich drauf hat. Der My Space Song, „No one survives“ ist schon eine gute Kostprobe, in welche Richtung unser neues Material gehen wird! That´s fucking hardcore straight in your face! Textlich müssen wir leider einen Gang runter schalten, das resultiert dadurch, dass unser Debut in Deutschland auf dem Index gelandet ist. Was aber nicht heißt, dass wir weniger politische Texte schreiben werden. Sie werden ab jetzt halt ein wenig „blumiger“ verfasst und nicht mehr ganz so direkt sein wie noch auf dem ersten Album. Weiterhin ist auch geplant, Lieder in Deutsch zu veröffentlichen. Höre, verstehe und handle! Wenn alles gut läuft und nichts großartig Dramatisches dazwischen kommt, wollen wir nächstes Jahr im Sommer ins Studio. Trotz alledem wollen wir nichts überstürzen und stehen auch in keinster Weise unter irgendwelchem terminlichen Druck. Lasst euch einfach überraschen, das neue Album kommt mit Sicherheit!
Well I want to say thank you for the interview. Do you have any closing words?
ENGLISH: A big thank you to Label 56 for the interest in PA. The questions were really made extensive and very well thought out. One can see that you really have your knowledge with the band or with the policies in our country and Europe, employs thoroughly. This makes us very proud! Enclosed Last, it was the longest and most extensive interview we've ever given J. The best wishes go across the pond in our white brothers! Stand proud!
GERMAN: Ein großes Dankeschön an Label 56 für das Interesse an PA. Die Fragen waren wirklich umfangreich gestellt und auch sehr gut durchdacht. Man sieht dass Ihr euch wirklich mit der Band bzw. mit der Politik in unserem Land und Europa gründlich beschäftigt habt. Das macht uns sehr stolz! Anbei noch angemerkt, war es das längste und umfangreichste Interview was wir je gegeben haben J. Die besten Grüße gehen über den großen Teich an unsere weißen Brüder! Stand proud!
Wewelsburg Records has a new split 7" from Sleipnir and Raven. This is limited to 500 units, with two different covers and colors: 75x white vinyl with Sleipnir Cover, 75x white vinyl with Raven Cover, black vinyl 175x and 175x with Sleipnir Cover with Raven black vinyl cover - all hand-numbered . Each version is a full color, double sided printed text sheet of strong cardboard.
Message In Blood is another project from Pete (KG23, Return Of Hyde). This particular band is more oldschool hardcore with some modern influences similar to Slipknot. The cd is limited to 500 copies and comes in a digipack. You can hear song samples here
I`m going to do a little shameless self promotion for my Rick`s Pick this week. While I say "shameless" this pick really is completely warranted. The 96 Brigade- Revolution For Dummies has been #1 on my ipod play list since I received the master copy a few months ago and simply put... it is just an excellent street punk/ RAC cd. It is not overtly racial but deals more with political issues that affect everyday citizens and is one that can reach out to the masses of people who hold our sentiments inside. In my opinion this is the direction our music scene needs to take and I am very happy with releasing this cd. The cd is now in stock and you can get your copy for only $10 at Label 56
New double cd to be released by Triumphant Productions- "25 rip-roaring tracks on a 2 disk compilation from one of the most favourite bands in our era. Our Spearhead presentation gives you over 90 minutes of PURE SPEARHEAD with some tracks re-mastered & 1 track digitally re-mixed. We feel these enhancements will only improve an already spectacular presentation."
Another excellent heavy hardcore/ metal core band out of Germany- Burning Hate, are expected to have their new release out soon on OPOS Records. You can hear some sample songs on their my space here
Two releases out now from OPOS are Paranoid- Beginn Der Evolution and Triumph Des Willens - Glaube : Wille : Tat. Triumph Des Willens is a project of "Gipfelstürmer" & Patrick (Faust, Yggdrasil, Frozen Abyss etc.) This is great cd combining clean and "black metal" vocals and music. Song samples can be found on the OPOS site here
As stated before, Germany is consistently producing some excellent metal/ metal core and hardcore bands. Another new band Bloody Memory has two very impressive songs on their my space which you can check out here
New releases from PC Records include the Uwocaust & alte Freunde cd titled Sprengstoff Melodien. This is 17 new songs at 70 minutes play time. They also have the new cd from Warlord titled Ascension and a 700 copy limited edition "demo" cd from Sturmkrieger
Below is a quick interview with Steve from OC hate punk band Spirit Of The Patriot. It was conducted by Rick 56 ( in June of 2010. The debut cd is due out soon on Strong Survive Records. For further information contact
Greets Stavros, I am writing this interview to ask you more of your new band Spirit Of The Patriot. I have heard the song Future Of Hellas and am very impressed. Can you tell us how long ago you have started the band?
I think I been working on it since around March I guess.
What was your purpose for starting this band?
Well actually it was kind of an accident. I'm not sure if you know or not but I also play drums in Max Resist currently and wrote Future of Hellas for Shawn to sing. Roy convinced me to write another song for Shawn to sing and keep that one for myself. So I made future of Hellas and I was so pleased with the way it came out, and Roy was like "you HAVE to create a side project" and thus, Spirit of the Patriot was born.
What instruments do you play in the band? Are their others in the band also?
Yea, It's more of a project that I'm doing rather than a band. I am the guy playing all the instruments except for the song "Future of Hellas". In that song Roy blasts some really kick ass lead guitars on it, and also some kick ass bass lines.
Have you been involved with other bands before this?
I currently play in Max Resist. I used to play in disorderly conduct outta NYC. I was in a pogo band outta Boston called the Sex Offenders, these punx are still giggin, they just replaced me when I moved. and when I was in middle school and high school I played in a buncha random punk bands here and there.
The song Future of Hellas was recently featured on the Freedom cd compilation. How many other songs have you recorded and when can we expect more music or a cd from Spirit Of The Patriot?
Theres a bunch that I'm working on. I can promise you that you won't be disappointed when they are released that's for sure. There will be a cd coming out around august on Strong Survive records. I'll keep you guys posted on that one.
I have heard the entire cd will be a concept about Greece. Is this correct? If so what is your inspiration for doing a cd in this concept?
Well, a bunch of the songs will be about Greek related things, but not the whole album. The inspiration began when there was a protest in Athens not too long ago, and me being of Greek ancestry keeps in touch with the Greek comrades. Anyways, There was violence between the nationalists and the anarchists and they were all arrested only to have the leftist government call the police station and have them release the leftists and keep the nationalists in jail. These patriots are trying to keep Greece pure. That is the land that created me, and immigration will destroy us all if nothing is done. These guys are fighting for our continuation, and now they are prisoners of war and my heart really goes out to them. I guess all I can really do right now is create music and spill out all of my heart and soul for my racial brothers. I share their pain, and my tears drop for them and for Hellas.